Cool Thing of the Month

The Handler
There's a greater
than 70% chance the last
time you caught a cold,
flu, or stomach virus,
it was because you
touched something you
shouldn't have (and then
touched your nose,
mouth, or eyes). Without
getting all germaphobic
on you, can we agree
that there are certain
things you're better off
not grabbing with your
bare hand? Public
restroom faucet and
inside door handles,
elevator buttons, ATM
keys, hotel TV remote
control buttons, etc.
That's where the Handler
comes in "handy." A push
of the button releases a
multipurpose hook. Even
cooler, the Handler's
high-strength hook is
coated with Nano
Silver, which has
been proven to kill
viruses, bacteria, and
fungi. The Handler even
comes in an iPodish
white/silver color
scheme. And it's priced
right: $10.95 at the
web site.
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