Cool Thing of the Month
Zip-Linq Retractable Headset But that cord! Oy! It's almost impossible to coil neatly... and ends up in a tangled wad. Enter the Zip-Linq. Very clever. When the phone rings, you just pull out the earpiece, pop it in your lobe, and start gabbing. When you're done, a little tug, and like a window shade, the earpiece retracts smoothly into it's spring-loaded winder. There's a small answer/hang-up button on the mic node too. At $14.95 or less, it's a cheap solution to an almost universal problem. So stop driving with that cell phone up against your head. You're going to get a ticket or cause an accident. And the microwaves sure aren't doing *your* brain any favors. Zip-Link also manufactures all manner of nifty cables for sync/charging your Palm or iPod, and connecting your computer to power, phone, or network. Check out the Road Warrior Kit (which I personally use and recommended). |
(c) Copyright 2002-2010 Victor Urbach
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