The PowerClipper
Am I stretching things this month? After all, just how cool can an office supply
item be? Well, if we're talking PowerClipper, pretty cool. Until now, when it
came time to attach a few sheets of paper together, your choices were limited to
either staples or paper clips. A staple is OK if you don't intend to take things apart,
but they're a pain to remove if you do, and then leave unsightly holes in your
documents. Paper clips never seem to hold tightly
enough. They're always coming off when you least want them to. Enter the PowerClipper. The little stainless steel clips hold from 2 to
40 sheets very
tightly, but can be removed without defacing the paper. Applying them is easy
with the PowerClipper. You just slide the papers in and push the top button
forward. Excellent for attaching your business card to a brochure or cover
letter. Adds a bit of class to your correspondence too. Just $4.50 from the
excellent Garrett Wade catalog.