Cool Thing of the Month

The Fresh2 Bulb
It's a light bulb
that removes stink from your room. What a concept. The Fresh2 is
a 23 watt compact fluorescent that gives off the same amount of
light as your old-school, non-stink-removing, energy-wasting 100
watt incandescent bulb. A thin transparent coating of titanium
dioxide on the Fresh2's spiral bulb, when activated by light,
actually destroys bad odors in the kitchen, bath, nursery,
laundry room, basement, etc. The Fresh2 doesn't just cover up
bad smells with a fragrance; its oxidizing action breaks down
odor molecules into harmless carbon dioxide and miniscule
amounts of water vapor. At $10 to buy and about $10 per year in
electricity cost to run, the Fresh2 works out way cheaper than
aerosol sprays, plug-ins, or powders, and does a better job of
eliminating odors. The odor-removing power lasts for three years
and the bulb will provide light for 10,000 hours (about ten
times the life of an ordinary incandescent bulb). For the full
Fresh2 story, read my lead article over there on the left. You
do read my business articles, don't you? Man does not live by
Cool Things, links, and funny pictures alone.