Cool Thing of the Month

The Travel Soother 20
What's the worst part of your day? How about the first five
seconds of it, when your ANNOYINGLY LOUD alarm clock blasts you
out of bed: BRAAAK BRAAK BRAAAK... That's no way to wake up, my
friend. You need the Travel Soother 20 from Sharper Image Design
on your nightstand. Then you'll gently wake to any one of twenty
different digital soundscapes, including innovative ones like
"Fireside," "City" and "Wind Chimes," plus natural sound
environments like "Rainforest," "Surf's Up" and "Summer Night."
Even better, the Travel Soother has a ramp function that'll
slowly turn up the volume, starting from inaudible, and
gradually increasing all the way to "11." Once you've experienced the joy of being
gently wakened this way, you'll never want to go back to your
medieval alarm clock. Did I mention the interactive snooze
button? By repeatedly tapping it, you can adjust the next
wakening time from a safe 10 minutes to a "You're fired, clean
out your desk" 30 minutes.
True to its name, the Travel Soother 20 will also accompany
you on your journeys away from home, running on AA batteries.
When you're staying in a typical hotel with its paper-thin walls,
filled with
inconsiderate hall talkers, door slammers, and late night
partiers, you'll really appreciate the 20 different
noise-masking sounds, including a very effective "white noise"
setting. Unlike most white noise generators, the TS20 has an
auto-off function, adjustable between 15 minutes and two hours.
That way, you won't be awakened by the sound effects after
you've fallen asleep. The TS20 also has a surprisingly good
AM/FM digital radio and an extraordinary speaker with
state-of-the-art aluminum cone driver technology. From
The Sharper Image exclusively. $99 and worth it.