The Master Negotiator (Part III) Welcome to the third and final installment on negotiating. When I first started writing this series in January, I promised to "teach you almost everything I know." I now realize that's impossible. It would take a year, and I have too many other exciting topics planned for upcoming issues. Negotiating is a very encompassing subject. It incorporates broad aspects of psychology and sociology, as well as a multitude of tactics and strategies. So... I've got a tough assignment this month. I covered fourteen basics in the past two issues, but I'm now tasked with boiling down everything else you must know, and delivering the most important seven to you in this issue. But first, a quick review. In January we covered the basic basics:
As I mentioned then, those are the strategies the other side *expects* you'll already know. All I did in that issue was level the playing field. In February, I started to tilt it in your favor, by emphasizing the 7 critical "pre-negotiation" tasks amateur negotiators never seem to bother with:
In the March Urbach Letter Video, I'll continue with the advanced topics you'll need to master if you're up against the real pros. March 2005 Negotiation VideoIsn't it time you tuned in? Quit goofing around and click the dang button. Repeat Performances
Great Negotiating Resources Excellent book: Guerrilla Negotiating by Jay Conrad Levinson, Mark S.A. Smith, and Orvel Ray Wilson. Levinson is a legendary marketing genius. Mark Smith is my friend and a valued colleague. Awesome negotiating consultant, speaker, and trainer: Jack Kaine of J.W. Kaine, Ltd. Here are some golden nuggets from a recent TEC presentation I was privileged to attend:
Smart advice about first offer gambits and negotiating civility... from David Abeshouse, a brilliant attorney and a Master Negotiator. The classic: Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher, William Ury, Bruce Patton. "Principled negotiation" gems from the Harvard Negotiation Project. |
(c) Copyright 2002-2010 Victor Urbach
This article may be reprinted with permission and attribution